• 25 // Irish // Female // Business Graduate // Blogger •


2017 // A Look Back & Highlights

I read a quote before that said you know you're an adult when all you do is marvel at the date and how fast time is passing. I have to admit that is 100% me; I realise there's ten days in 2017 and I'm like "damn!" 

This blog in a way has helped shape 2017 into one of my favorite years in this world. It made me live life - because bloggers need content and content come from, well, living life. My first blog post - 12 Resolutions for 12 Months (read it here) got me really thinking about how I wanted to spend the year. 

I wanted to use this post as a look back at my top moments of 2017 so let's begin...

1.) The birth of my nephew/godson

I am not a baby person. Up until the birth of my nephew James I didn't even know how to hold a baby! But ever since he came into this world, I have found a new adoration for babies. He's such a content little guy who's always smiling and he fills my heart with such happiness by just being around him. 

2.) Going on a J1

There was ups. There was downs. But I'm proud to look back and say that I spent months, and not just my time in America, but the time, energy and money I poured into getting to America, achieving one of my resolutions. It proved to me that nothing is impossible if I put my mind to it. 

Read my blog posts before and after my J1.

3.) The friends I've made

If you've met me you wouldn't consider me introverted whatsoever but I really can be. I can get very caught up in my own head and I love my alone time. And I can be socially awkward af - I blame being at the strange transition where I'm no longer a teen but far from feeling mature but being labelled an adult. So to say that I've made some solid friends in 2017 makes me smile from ear to ear.

Some, but not all...

4.) One of my best friend's baby turning 1

Back to the babies...A friend's child turning one is a highlight all on its own - this is a girl whose been like a sister to me since I was 12 - but not only that, she's overcome some real hardships after having a premature birth. The girl is a superhero and I don't think I heard her mutter a complaint once but I know his first birthday was a sense of ease and an accomplishment in some ways. 

5.) Volunteering at Limerick Animal Welfare

One of my prouder moments was trekking out to the Limerick Animal Sanctuary in Kilfinane in the early hours with my mam to help for a couple of hours on a Sunday. Starting my final year of college has made my life pretty busy but it's a place I hope to return to in 2018.

Read my Spotlight Sunday on LAW here

6.) Cosmetic Alliance blog post (read here)

Blogging in 2017 is like being a minnow in the ocean; the blogging world is heavily saturated and there is a blog now on everything. Companies get to pick the cream of the crop and with influencers considered a serious marketing tool (I learn all of this in my course), it means more people than ever want to blog. So for Cosmetic Alliance to send me some products to review meant a lot. It's funny though because some bloggers wouldn't be fazed at being sent products to review but, to me, it meant so much. 

Abella Viva Mousse in Dark is still my all time favorite tans

7.) Selected Femme Event

This ties in with my previous highlight. Getting to attend events such as the opening of new stores is something bloggers can work for years to accomplish but, thanks to working with Glamour Agency, I get attend these events. It kinda feels like skipping the queue for a nightclub, if that makes sense. PLUS I got to meet the massively successful blogger Louise Cooney. 

8.) 30 day No Junk Challenge

I planned to do the 30 day challenge literally the night before I started doing it and I remember thinking I wouldn't complete it. But soon the days started turned to weeks and I was done before I knew it. As a severe lover of all the bad foods, knowing I am capable of taking a break shows me that I do have inner strength and willpower. 

**Although not this month where I am hoovering up any chocolate sweets covered in brightly covered wrappers. 

The photo's below were taken on the 1st of November (right) and the 1st of December (left) and there was some small differences in my tummy but the real difference was how I was feeling inside; happier, healthier and with energy to burn. 

With 2017 drawing to a close, I am really looking forward to 2018 and what it brings. There's some things already happening - like my long awaited trip with the girls and the end of my college life. I just hope that it lives up to 2017, and then some.

What are your 2017 highlights? Was it a good year? Why/ why not? Let me know in the comments or find me on my socials.

Liked this post? Make sure to follow me on my other socials for more shits and giggles!


Until next time & happy holidays...

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