• 25 // Irish // Female // Business Graduate // Blogger •


12 Resolutions for 12 Months // My First Post

AKA Should I just name this blog notanotherbasicblog.blogspot.com

Ok ok I know, another girl making a blog for the new year. I gettit, it's been done before. But it's not stopping me (clearly). So if you're still here reading this, then hello. Welcome to ohhheyitsAimee.blogspot.com; the little corner of the internet I call home. 


And what better way to start my blog with a good ole' New Years Resolutions List (Fact About Me 1#: I love list-making).

New Year Resolutions 2017 ❤ 

1.) Learn to play guitar:

Self explainatory really. I've had a guitar SINCE I WAS 16 (I'm 22 now). That's six years of my guitar just gathering dust. So this is the year I learn to actually play it. 


2.) Visit Charlotte and her baby

This is definitely going to win me the "Worst Best Friend In The World" award but my best friend had her baby LAST JULY and I still have not seen her! Ok, she does live in England but it's been almost six months and I am itching to meet her.

                                                    Me and Charlotte (2014)

3.) Set up blog

Already a resolution done and it's not even the second week of January. I'm class.

4.) Pass Driving Test

My friends have put the actual fear of God in me over this. You won't pass the first time, it's just the way it goes! However this has (a) determined me to prove them wrong and (b) my insurance is €3500 a year so I have to pass first time round.

Visual representation of when I found out my insurance was €3500


5.) Go on a J1 (or is it Do a J1???)


I do think its unfair for the student to have to find their own work before travelling over for their J1 because personally I know no one living in the US so how am to get work??? This will be my first year so, playing it safe, I'm currently applying for CCUSA which do summer camps all over America. They cover your meals, accommodation and even pay you at the end of the two months, so you get a full month travelling the US.


6.) Go to a music festival

Me + Music Festivals = incompatible. It just seems like me and music festivals are not meant to be. UNTIL NOW. Electric Picnic I SEE YOU.


7.) Go on a trip with my friends

As anyone in my group of friends; We. Are. The. Worst. At. Making. Plans. Actually executing plans will only happen if (a) every last detail is meticulously planned or (b) it happens, very much like a seeing a shooting star, very fast and by pure chance. Places that have been discussed are Budapest, Amsterdam and Prague but we'll be lucky to get to Salthill, Galway for a day I think.


8.) Volunteer

Giving back is a big part of life I think and personally I love the satisfaction of helping those in need. They are plenty of places looking for volunteers and I hope that in 2017 I can do my bit to give back to the planet.

9.) Read more

I have and will always be a lover of books but I found in 2016 I didn't read as much as I did so this year I plan to read ALOT more (leave a comment if you'd like to see my reading list for 2017) 


10.) Eat (more) healthy

A cliched New Year's resolution but this is more of an add-on to last years resolutions. I used to eat really unhealthy when I was younger and the true damage wasn't revealed until I was getting my braces in 2013 and my dentist had to give me six fillings (on top of work already done). I've since had to get a root canal with another one scheduled for 2017 all because of my high sugar diet when I was young. 2016 was a good enough year in terms of my relationship with food but I want 2017 to be the best.


11.) Stay away from bad boys (AKA F**kboys)

They may be fun and good-looking but they're not worth it. Trust me.


12.) And finally, enjoy 2017

I'm an over-thinker //  over-planner (why it's taking me so long to start this blog) so hopefully I can enjoy more, worry less. We'll see...

If you've taken the time to read my first blog post, then thank you. Have you any New Year's Resolutions? Let me know in the comment section below!

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                                                                                                                        Until next time...
                                                                                                                                      Aimee ❤


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