• 25 // Irish // Female // Business Graduate // Blogger •


Outfit & Update // Repeal The 8th

It is Wednesday my dudes.

OOTD Details:
Black Tank Top: Penneys x Popper Pants: MissPap (buy them here) x Shoes: Low-Rise Converse

Being honest, I didn't think I would ever post on here my thoughts about Repeal The 8th. For those of you who might not be from Ireland or maybe you haven't heard of it (HOW????), the current law regarding abortion is as follows:

The State acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate that right. (Taken from the IrishStatuteBook.ie)

Basically it means abortion in Ireland is illegal and is seen as a criminal offense under the Offenses Against the Person Act 1861. The only exception are some incredibly strict circumstances whereby a panel of experts must be consulted first under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act.

As I said, I really didn't think I would blog about this. I am still someone who is learning about the 8th amendment, right now I feel like I'm still uneducated. But big shout out to blogger Leanne Woodfull - find her incredibly informative blog post about Repeal the 8th here - and various Irish Instagram accounts such as @bloggersunveiled who are helping me to learn more on the matter every day. But on Saturday (March 10th) I happened to see the the RTE One News where they were discussing the Rally for Life march that had taken place in Dublin earlier that day. And it was this one woman - this one goddamn infuriating woman - who made me feel compelled to write this and share my thoughts. All this lady said was 'I'm here for all the babies. That they will be born'. I think that's what my biggest problem is with Pro-Life; the automatic assumption that if you're Pro-Choice you must be Pro-Abortion.  

I have never been in the position of an unplanned pregnancy but I don't think I could ever have an abortion. BUT I also believe that my views only reflect how I feel and I - and no one else in this country - should have rights over your body and what you choose to do with it. The fact that in order for someone to get an abortion they must fly over to England disgusts me. The shame those people must feel that their own country doesn't support them and that's only the people who can afford the trip. Those who can't are forced to bring a child into this world that they may not be able to financially or emotionally support. It will always be my belief that a child should only be brought into the world if the mother is willing and able. A woman's life should be priority over an embryo and the fact that it's equal is baffling.  That woman spoke for being there for the babies; where are you for these women? By choosing pro-life, to me, you're saying that an embryo's life is already more important that the woman carrying it.

The current Act in place preventing abortion feels like the government wanting control over our bodies and that is something I can not stand with either. So all I can ask if you're reading this that you go and learn. Spend 10 minutes of your day reading articles, learning about this Amendment which needs to be changed. We live in the information generation and everything you need to know about Repeal the 8th is at your fingertips. And I'm not just speaking to the women out there. I applaud all the men I see at these rallies - supporting their partners, their wives, their sisters/mothers/friends/colleagues and we need you to stand with us and change history.

To those of you who are pro-life; although I do not agree with your views, if you do want to start a conversation and explain your opinion, I would like to hear from you so feel free to comment below or find me @ohhheyitsaimee. I'm also not here to upset anyone or attack anyone for their beliefs, I am only here to share my thoughts on this relevant Irish topic.

This amendment is going to change history and for the sake of not just the women of Ireland but our future generations, I urge you to go and vote if/when the time comes!

Also a huge shoutout to Adam Coleman (@thisboyknowsphotography) for the wonderful shots. Check him out on Instagram and send him all the love!

Until next time...


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