• 25 // Irish // Female // Business Graduate // Blogger •


📼 13 Things We All Said While Watching 13 Reasons Why📼

I, along with thousands of girls and guys, became obsessed with Netflix's latest show 13 Reasons Why. The story revolves around Hannah Baker; a girl who committed suicide but  not before she made 13 tapes, naming and shaming the people who were the cause of her suicide. Not only does the show tackle the huge issue of mental health and suicide but it addresses other societal problems we face in this digital age. 

**Warning** Naturally this list will include spoilers so if you haven't watched the entire season then I advise you wait until you have before reading!

With that out of the way, let's begin  ðŸ‘‡

1.) *sees Clay* I know that actor! How do I know that actor?!

That actor is Dylan Minnette and the reason you probably recognise him is because he's one of  those actors whose just appeared in loads of different TV shows before getting his break out role in 13 Reasons Why. IMDb reveals he's appeared in everything from Drake & Josh to Prison Break. 

2.) Alex is definitely gay.

Ok, HOW do you know if someone is gay in this and age but c'mon; the clothes, the demeanor, the way he SPEAKS. My Gaydar is beeping...

3.) Alex ISN'T gay?

I am still unconvinced...

4.) Tony you look like a 40 year old stalker

There is no explanation for Tony being every Dylan is other than he is stalking Dylan. And don't tell me that's what typical 17/18 year olds look like (smh)

5.) Ugh, F**K OFF Courtney

To quote Alex, "You're gay, so what?"  

6.) This is not what school is like 

^seeing as everyone mixes Dylan up with Logan Lerman
Anyways, although 13 Reasons Why highlights A LOT of things teenagers go through in school, there are some unrealistic things too; like every teacher being incredibly engaged with the class and kids actually participating in activities like Dollar Valentine.

7.) What is this song???

The song is called The Night We Met by Lord Huron and Listen On Repeat tells me I've listened to it 104 times, so there's that...

8.) Is this scene post-Hannah's death or pre-Hannah's death?

 Look for the plaster ^ Plaster = present day Clay

^No plaster = past Clay

9.) Kat is going to be on one of the tapes 

10.) Kat is NOT on the tapes?

Yeah, fine, whatever I guess...

11.) What did you do Clay?????

I've read the book and I cant remember goddammit!!

12.) I hope you rot in hell Bryce

The number one reason I'm so sad that there might not be a season 2 is that I won't see this scumbag pay for what he did. 

13.) I will never know happiness again 

The scene in the bathtub had me bailing and I don't think I'll ever get those images out of my head. 

So if you have read this list and somehow (HOW?) have been unconvinced to watch the TV show I would really advise you do. If you have seen it I'd love to hear what you thought of it and if you agreed with my list so make sure to comment below!

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Until next time...

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