• 25 // Irish // Female // Business Graduate // Blogger •


5 Alternative Valentine's Day Ideas

I really do not understand why Valentine's Day fills people with dread. The argument for those who are single is usually the fact love and being with your special someone is literally advertised EVERYWHERE; there's no escaping the holiday or those teddy's desperately clutching red hearts with 'I Love You' embezzled in gold. Couples fear the day because of the pressure and God love you if you went all out on the Christmas present, now you're expected to go even bigger and better. But all this stress that people find themselves is something they've conjured up in their own minds. If you par back all the romanticized bulls**t of chocolates, roses and expensive gifts, Valentine's Day is suppose to be about love. And my interpretation of that is spending time with those you love and it doesn't have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband.

So if you want to break from the mold I've compiled a list of alternative things to do this Valentine's Day, whoever you choose to spend it with.

1.) Bubble Soccer
Image provided via Google Images
Definitely one for my bucket list, can you imagine how fun it must be to be strapped inside an inflatable bubble, trying (and failing) to play a game of soccer with your friends. Extremesports.ie offers Bubble Soccer all over Ireland for groups.

2.) Hike
Image provided via Google Images
We are lucky enough to have our fair share of hills and mountains in Ireland. Grab a buddy or be your own Valentine and get to hiking one of those beauts. My eyes are set on the Galtee Mountains in Tipperary.

3.) Comedy Show
Since going to a comedy gig in Edinburgh I have become a huge fan. What better way to spend the night than laughing your a** off? The Unhinged Comedy Club have a gig on in Dublin Valentine's Night. For more information find them here.

4.) Spend time with your girlfriends
And make a day of it. Grab a bite to eat with a strict no-phones policy and then spend the evening watching 90's chick-flicks; think Pretty Woman, 10 Things I Hate About You, When Harry Met Sally, She's All That.

5.) Build a fort
If you have never built a fort in your adult life, then I truly feel sorry for you. Grab your Valentine - and all the cushions, blankets and duvets you can find and get to it. Even if it fails and caves in you'll still have a laugh making it!

My attempt!

However and whomever you choose to spend Valentine's with, just make sure it's with a person who appreciates the wonderful human you are. And yes, it's OK to be attracted to them that little bit more when they show up with an outrageous teddy that's desperately clutching red hearts with 'I Love You' embezzled in gold. 

Anyways if you do any of these, let me know how you get on guys by finding me on my socials @ohhheyitsaimee 

Until next time...


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